
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen von uns

Einige unserer Mitarbeiter und Kooperationspartner haben Fachartikel veröffentlicht. Nachfolgend haben wir die besonders lesenswerten als Auswahl aufgelistet.

Olga Sheshukova

Olga Sheshukova

Rickettsia aeschlimannii in Hyalomma marginatum ticks

Leonid Rumer, Elmara Graser, Timo Hillebrand, Thomas Talaska, Hans Dautel, Oleg Mediannikov, Panchali Roy-Chowdhury, Olga Sheshukova, Oliver Donoso Mantke, Matthias Niedrig
Emerging Infectious Diseases, Publisher National Center for Infectious Diseases (U.S.), 2/2011

Rickettsia spp. of the spotted fever group cause worldwide emerging human infections known as tick-borne rickettsioses (1). Data on the occurrence and prevalence of Rickettsia in Germany are still limited (2). Six Rickettsia species have been reported to date (2). R. helvetica, R. felis, R. massiliae, and R. monacensis were detected with a relatively low prevalence in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in southern Germany (2); R. raoultii was identified with high prevalence in the rapidly expanding area where D. reticulatus ticks are found (2). R. raoultii was recently recognized as an agent of tick-borne lymphadenopathy/Dermacentor-borne necrosis and erythema lymphadenopathy (3). Low prevalence of another tick-borne lymphadenopathy agent, R. slovaca, in Dermacentor marginatus ticks collected in southern Germany was recently reported (4).

Carsten König

Carsten König

Rein mit den Daten

Carsten König
dotnetpro, 10/2016

Ein funktionaler Ansatz, um Daten im CSV-Format einzulesen.

Schummeln mit F#

Carsten König
dotnetpro, 11/2015

Anhand eines kleinen Puzzles wird gezeigt, wie Sie dieses in F# modellieren, eine Lösungsstrategie erarbeiten und diese anschließend optimieren können.

Oliver Guhr

Oliver Guhr

Training a Broad-Coverage German Sentiment Classification Model for Dialog Systems

Oliver Guhr, Anne-Kathrin Schumann, Frank Bahrmann, Hans Joachim Böhme
European Language Resources Association, 5/2020

This paper describes the training of a general-purpose German sentiment classification model. Sentiment classification is an important aspect of general text analytics. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in dialogue systems and voice interfaces that depend on the ability of the system to pick up and understand emotional signals from user utterances

Multilingual Deep Models for Punctuation Prediction

Oliver Guhr, Anne-Kathrin Schumann, Frank Bahrmann, Hans Joachim Böhme
HTW Dresden, 2021

This paper describes our contribution to the SEPP-NLG Shared Task in multilingual sentence segmentation and punctuation prediction. The goal of this task consists in training NLP models that can predict the end of sentence (EOS) and punctuation marks on automatically generated or transcribed texts.

Teaching Machine Learning in 2021 – An Overview and Introduction

Oliver Guhr, Katherine M. Kinnaird, Peter Steinbach
HTW Dresden, 2021

In this paper, we aspire to summarize the annual workshop in order to provide interested readers a head-start. Furthermore, this article is meant as an introduction to the proceedings of our workshop.

Teaching Machine Learning in 2020

Peter Steinbach, Heidi Seibold, Oliver Guhr
HTW Dresden, 2020

In this document, we summarize the current standing of the community as by our workshop and their methods. We touch on existing working concepts in machine learning didactics, what methods present initiatives use and cover open teaching resources available to date.

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